Architectural and engineering projects with high quality and detail are not enough to guarantee the same quality in the final work. The Management and Supervision of construction site is a service provided with the objective of guaranteeing a good execution and cost management of any work, whether in the case of new construction, remodeling or rehabilitation.
Construction Management
The organization and management of a work is strongly linked to its economy, deadlines and quality. Only with a careful planning and control of the contract can the desired economic and qualitative results be achieved. As such, the main areas of intervention are:
- Support to the owner in the evaluation and comparison of proposals;
- Technical analysis of proposed solutions to be applied on site;
- Consideration of technical documents;
- Support in procurement management, hiring, personnel management and works licensing;
- Support in the coordination of subcontractors;
- Consideration and requests for clarification of project doubts during the execution of the work;
- Scheduling and development of work meetings;
- Coordination of the various steps in construction;
- Checking deadlines, quality and cost;
- Preparation of progress reports;
- Among others.